+44 (0)121 294 7840 OR SUPPORT@VAPE-PIG.CO.UK
Mon - Fri: 9:00 - 17:00
Would you like to earn revenue from Electronic Cigarettes?
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If so then we want to hear from you, Vape-Pig have now launched our Affiliate Program. You can earn a minimum of 20% on all referrals to Vape-Pig simply signup by sending the following details to support@vape-pig.co.uk one of our representatives will contact you to verify and activate your account.
Please send the following information:
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Your Name:
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We will then send you a full marketing pack including banners and product feeds with your unique code assigned to both the URLS, banners and content
A bit about us and why we are different to the rest!
We boast an impressive 9% - 11% conversion rate on our website and have done for the past 3 years, our range of liquids is one of the largest in the UK and we offer the most competitive prices, our whole team is passionate and dedicated to all our products from our newly introduced Electronic Shisha Pods to our stunning range of Electronic Cigarettes, Starter Kits and more.....
Join the Vape-Pig family and get hands on support from our marketing and development team which will help you boost your affiliate revenue, we have ship and have representatives around Europe backed by translators in Denmark, Italy, Germany, France, Greece and Holland.
Signup now and earn from 10% for all referrals across Europe - support@vape-pig.co.uk